Standing... Leads: Hold (SS); Rt arm across chest (S), out to right shoulder height palm up (S) Follows: Point L / touch L, point L (QQS), Walk L, R (SS) Leads: Walk R, L (SS), stand Akimbo (SS) (Feet apart) Follows: Chenne Turn LF (QQ) (QQ) Position in front of Leader (SS) Leads: WAIT... Follows: Forward R across and swivel RF (SS), forward L across, Touch R and quick swivel L/R (SQQ) Walk around Lead four step R, L, R, L (SSSS) to position behind with R side toward Lead's back Follows: Lower extending R leg between Lead's feet (S), Up down (S) Flick R touch R to floor twice (S& S&) Follows: Walk around Lead R, L, R / L, Close (SSQQS) to end in Dance Position Dance: Basic to the Cross (SSQQS) R foot Forward Ochos with Pique and Sacada (SS) L foot Forward Ocho (SS) R foot Forward Ochos with Pique and Sacada (SS) L foot Forward Ocho (SS) Forward Ocho to Cross (SS) Basic Ending (QQS) Lunge R extending Trail Arms, Recover / Thru (SS&) Lunge L extending Lead Arms, Recover / Side (SS&) Dance: Forward Twist Turn Leads Hook R over L and unwind turn left) Follows forward 4 quicks L / R, L / R Forward L Swivel to face (SS) Leads: Hold and lead double swivel (SQQ), Forward / Side, Touch (QQS) Hold and lead double swivel (SQQ), Foward / Side, Close / Side (QQS&) Follows: Forward R Double Swivel, Back / Side, Thru Swivel (SQQ QQS) Forward R Double Swivel, Back / Side, Thru Swivel (SQQ QQS) Dance: Right foot circle vine and swivel (QQQQ SS) Left foot circle vine and swivel (QQQQ SS) Right foot Press / Recover, Press, Press / Gancho, Forward R swivel (QQS SS) Forward L foot swivel, forward R foot swivel, Follow turn to shadow